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Career Jam™ Sponsorship Registration

Price for sponsorship includes premier placement during the Capital Region Career Jam™ events!

  • May 28 - Career Jam Launch (10th-12th) at Siena College

  • Fall '25 - Career Jam Explore (8th-9th) at TEC-SMART

  • Fall '25 - Career Jam Explore (8th-9th) at HVCC

Sponsorship Levels for Fall 2024:

$10,000_______Industry Leader Sponsor (3 events, up to 4 booths)

$7,500________Innovation Sponsor (3 events, up to 3 booths)

$5,000________Student Success Sponsor (2 events, up to 3 booths)

$3,000________Inspire Sponsor (2 events, up to 2 booths)

$1,000________Workforce Sponsor (1 event, up to 2 booths)

Are you the primary contact from your organization that will be exhibiting at the event(s)?
What sponsorship package are you requesting?
What Career Cluster(s) are you representing? (check all that apply)
Please confirm which events you will be exhibiting. (check all that apply)
Do you need electricity at your booth(s)?
How will you be submitting your sponsorship payment?
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